The Trump Administration’s Troubling State of Mind

This week President Trump released an immoral budget, which amounts to a wholesale attack on working families and low income communities in favor of the wealthy.


Though the proposed budget is bad enough, this week also revealed that Trump’s lieutenants share his animosity toward low income and middle class communities. Read these unsettling new reports:

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson described poverty as a “state of mind.” While it’s true poverty can exacerbate and cause trauma and other adverse health effects, he makes this bizarre claim to justify over $7 billion in cuts to HUD’s budget, harming millions who benefit from housing and community development programs.


  • The New York Times published an exposé of Jared Kushner’s ruthless real estate speculation practices. Turns out he not only asks for tax breaks to build luxury condos in Jersey City, he also preys on the very low-income residents that Trump’s budget would kick off the Section 8 program.


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